10 Horror Anime Shows That Are Actually Good
Horror is one of the most challenging anime genres to pull off. Why is that, you ask?
Well, my friend, it’s because horror isn’t that scary in the 2D form, to begin with. Horror elements are more likely to terrify the audience when they play on real fears and create suspense and anticipation that bad things are about to happen.
Sure, some horror anime shows might jump-scare you with cheap tricks or make your stomach churn with guts and gore. However, it takes a lot more to frighten you truly. Unless you’re a massive coward.
Okay, okay, just kidding.
Anyway, there’s a fair bit of horror shows out there, but when we look at the popular ones and the ones that are good, it’s evident that the selection is pretty scarce.
With a few exceptions, the majority rely on the nasty business of gore and body horror to scare the viewer, but that doesn’t seem to translate well to the animated medium.
That isn’t to say they’re all bad, though.
That’s why I set out to find the best horror shows and figure out what makes them work, particularly given how difficult it is to convey horror in anime.
To help you decide what to watch first, I’ve included streaming offers and MyAnimeList ratings.
So let’s get to the list of best horror anime shows, and, no worries, nothing spoilerific ahead.
Best horror anime shows and what makes them work
10. Another

Seasons: 1 | Episodes: 12
Watch on: Crunchyroll
What’s it about: Koichi transfers to a new school in the mountain town of Yomiyama. There, he meets his classmate Mei, a strange girl with an eye patch, but something doesn’t seem right. Everyone else acts as if Mei doesn’t exist. Koichi disregards the warnings not to talk to her and finds himself drawn into the school’s dark secret and a series of gruesome deaths.
What makes it work: Another is a dark and twisted horror mystery that doesn’t rely too much on psychological unease, but its story, clues, and hints will keep you guessing till the final episode (that will not let you down). The gore factor is high – people are dying left and right in a memorable, Final Destination style. Also, watch out for the creepy dolls.
9. Boogiepop Phantom

Seasons: 1 | Episodes: 12
Watch on: Crunchyroll, Funimation, Prime Video
What’s it about: In a city that was plagued by a series of unsolved, grotesque murders five years ago, a pillar of light appears out of nowhere. Soon after, the students start to disappear without a trace, prompting rumors that a shinigami/angel of death named Boogiepop is responsible for it. Is it just an urban myth, or is there something more to this story?
What makes it work: This cult dark anime follows a non-linear structure, and it feels like a puzzle you’ll have to piece for yourself. BPP is a nerve-jangling experience that’s not here for the conventional scares. It’s full of troubled characters, an eerie atmosphere, disturbing imagery, metaphor-heavy dialogue, and a sense of dread about what will unfold.
8. Higurashi: When They Cry

Seasons: 1 | Episodes: 24
Watch on: Netflix, Prime Video, Funimation
What’s it about: Keiichi is starting to get comfortable in his new home, the peaceful village of Hinamizawa. But as the summer festivities approach, he learns about the curse of the local deity, Oyashiro-sama: each year, one person dies, and another disappears at the Cotton Drifting Festival. Keiichi starts asking questions, but no one is willing to give him answers.
What makes it work: Higurashi does an incredible job of blending lighthearted moments with horrifying stories. The twisty murder mystery and the mounting sense of paranoia will creep up on you as you wonder who or what is pulling the strings. So if you’re looking for something more than cheap thrills, add this horror anime show to your streaming queue ASAP.
7. Paranoia Agent

Seasons: 1 | Episodes: 13
Watch on: Funimation, Crunchyroll
What’s it about: Tokyo detectives are baffled by the case of Shonen Bat (Lil’ Slugger in the dub), a mysterious boy on rollerblades who attacks people with a bent baseball bat. As paranoia spreads and the police struggle to find a pattern and put a trail on the assailant, a surprising connection between Lil’ Slugger’s victims emerges.
What makes it work: Underneath its assault mystery, Satoshi Kon’s anime masterpiece is a character study that takes a deep dive into the dark territory of a wounded psyche. Paranoia Agent is a must-see for psychological horror enthusiasts; it’s a haunting, intense, and often bizarre experience that sinks its hooks in you and refuses to let go.
6. Shiki

Seasons: 1 | Episodes: 22
Watch on: Prime Video, Crunchyroll
What’s it about? When a strange family moves into the extravagant mansion in the area, people start to die in mysterious ways in the remote village of Sotoba. As the body count rises, the local doctor Toshio Ozaki suspects an epidemic. Unfortunately, he and the villagers are about to realize that something far more sinister is happening in their community.
What makes it work: No one is safe in this intense psychological horror anime that is not your typical vampire fare. Shiki portrays a slow decline of its characters into insanity, showing how desperation can single-handedly bring out the worst in people. Its creepy atmosphere will get under your skin, and those Shiki eyes will send shivers down your spine.
5. Tokyo Ghoul

Seasons: 1 | Episodes: 12
Watch on: Netflix, Hulu, Funimation
What’s it about:A college student Kaneki gets assaulted by his date, who turns out to be a ghoul who feeds on human flesh. In the hospital, he receives organ transplants and survives. However, the surgical procedures transform him into a ghoul-human hybrid, now caught in the middle of the conflict between ghouls and humans.
What makes it work: Underneath its nasty body horror, Tokyo Ghoul explores the fine line between the human and the monstrous, with an unrelenting sense of existential dread. The psychological horror anime will pull you deep into its dark fantasy world where humans and ghouls coexist, and each society has its own views of justice.
4. Serial Experiments Lain

Seasons: 1 | Episodes: 13
Watch on: Funimation, Crunchyroll, Prime Video
What’s it about: The introverted Lain and girls from her class receive an email from their classmate who recently committed suicide. The email leads Lain into the Wired, virtual realm similar to today’s internet. As she delves deeper into the virtual world, strange things start to happen, and she begins to question what is real and what is not.
What makes it work: This groundbreaking 90s anime relies heavily on philosophical and psychological elements, so it’s not straight horror. However, Lain’s atmosphere will make you very uncomfortable, and the existential dread and concerns this anime raises will make your skin crawl. This isekai anime will also make you think. Hard. There are no easy answers here.
3. Parasyte -the maxim-

Seasons: 1 | Episodes: 24
Watch on: Prime Video, Funimation
What’s it about: 17-year-old Shinichi wakes up one day partially infected by one of the Parasytes, monsters that butcher and consume humans. The creature failed to take complete control over Shinichi, so after the initial shock, the teenager learns to coexist with the worm-like Parasyte, now named Migi, latched onto his right arm.
What makes it work: First and foremost, Parasyte is a body horror madness, but that’s not nearly all that makes it scary. One of the best horror and SF anime series also relies on a grim atmosphere, an overwhelming sense of hopelessness, and the terrifying life of the humans caught up in the struggle with parasites, making for a very unnerving experience.
2. The Promised Neverland
Seasons: 2 | Episodes: 23
Watch on: Funimation, Crunchyroll, Hulu, HIDIVE
What’s it about: A group of kids at a seemingly perfect orphanage, Grace Field House, uncover its dark truth when they break the rule never to leave the orphanage grounds. Once the terrible purpose they’re raising them for comes to light, Emma, Norman, and Ray begin to plan an escape to save all children.
What makes it work: The Promised Neverland masterfully strikes a balance between horror and emotion. This sad anime will break your heart and scare the bejeezus out of you. Forget about gore and jump scares; this Shounen builds dread by unraveling a terrifying story, ominous atmosphere, and lovable characters whose fates you’ll fear for.
1. Monster

Seasons: 1 | Episodes: 74
Watch on: Netflix
What’s it about: Tenma is a skilled Japanese neurosurgeon who has built a great life and career in Germany. But his decision to save the life of a child instead of a politician will come back to haunt him when his former patient turns his life into a living hell. Knowing he’s the one who brought the monster back to life, the doctor decides to be the one to end it.
What makes it work: Monster is easily one of the best horror/thriller/mystery anime and a true classic that lives up to its title. It’s a cat and mouse game that plays out through masterfully crafted 74 episodes. Don’t be put off by the length; the show is full of suspense, drama, and moments so brutal they’ll strike a solid chord with anime horror fans.
Of course, these aren’t the only good shows. There is plenty of classic horror series available, such as yokai anime Mononoke and Devilman Crybaby (which I discussed in Best Short Anime Series on Netflix), but you get the idea.
None of these rely solely on body horror; they also employ character study, ominous art style and music, explore social issues, and so on. Most importantly, they utilize the psychological thriller/horror genre elements to create atmosphere, tension, and apprehension for the characters.
And that’s how anime horror shows can truly excel: they leave you terrified and looking at corners long after you’ve finished watching.
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